Tuesday, July 26, 2011


TileHead’s Word of the Day for 26 July 2011

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MYRMIDON  (n. pl. - S or -ES)

  1. (n.) a loyal follower, especially one who carries out orders without scruple or question
  2. (n.) a hired ruffian or mercenary

Useful information for game players:
  • Front hooks: (none)
  • Back hooks: -S
  • Anagrams: (none)
  • Longer extensions: -ES
  • Wraparounds: (none)
  • Other Spellings: (none)
  • Related Forms: (none)

The original Myrmidons were legendary warriors of Thessaly in northern Greece.  They accompanied Achilles in the Trojan War and were noted for their fierceness and devotion to their leader — thus the modern lowercase form, referring to any loyal follower.  The name comes from the Greek myrmex, meaning “ant,” conjuring up an image of a fierce army of ants.  The myrm- root is also used in scientific words literally referring to ants, such as MYRMECOLOGY (“the study of ants”) and MYRMECOPHILE (“an organism that shares the nest of an ant or interacts closely with ants”).

This week’s theme: Words starting with the letter M

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1 comment:

  1. Enjoying these- keep it up. I'm surprised at the ones I know and having fun learning the ones I don't.
